Google Group
This Google group is the place students can discuss their projects or questions related to this course.Software
Toolkits used in this class- Theano (required)
- Caffe: (suggested for large scale CV although not required)
- iPython notebook: (suggested as the Python editor in the team collaboration, although you are free to choose other IDEs like Eclipse, pycharm, or pyscripter, etc.)
- Official Theano tutorial
- Goodfellow's tutorial
- A more technical tutorial at HPCS2011
- Alec Radford's introduction to Deep Learning with Python and Theano
- Caffe: the most popular opensource project on cv+deep learning
- Torch7 (with a nice iTorch interface): widely used in Facebook and NYU
- CUDA-convnet2: excellent GPU programming with multi-GPU supports, less user-friendly
- CCV: a compact c package
- CUDA Toolkit and SDK (with a lot examples)
- cuDNN paper and official website
- CNN with fbfft
- Sander Dieleman's blog on FFT based convolution in Theano
- more to be added...
You may find a lot of challenges with training/testing datasets on Kaggle. But the following come from traditional academic researchers.CoNLL shared tasks & datasets over the years (including a variety of NLP tasks): Other NLP resources
- Parsing:
- Semantic relation extraction:
- Information extraction: (requires LDC membership)
- Information extraction:
- Paraphrase
- Paraphrase
- Question answering
- Machine translation:
- PASCAL sentences
- Microsoft Common Objects in Context
- MIRFlickr
- Yahoo Flickr Creative Commons 100M (you may use a subset)
- Wikipedia articles (with images)
- NUS Wide
- Yann LeCun et al's MNIST and a copy at
- PASCAL Object Recognition Database
- CIFAR 10 and CIFAR 100
- The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset
- Labeled Faces In the Wild
- Pub Fig
- MIT 10k US Adult Faces Database
- CASIA Online and Offline Chinese Handwriting Databases
Related Deep Learning courses and resource
- Hinton's course on Neural Networks for Machine Learning.
- Andrew Ng's deep learning class at Coursera.
- Yann LeCun's deep learning course at NYU.
- Fei-Fei Li and Andrej Karpathy have a course specialized for Convolutional Networks.
- Xiaogang Wang's class on Introduction to Deep Learning at CUHK.
- Both instructors learned from this deep learning tutorial associated with theano.
- Also more and more tutorials and talks form ML/CV/NLP conferences... (to be added)